Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Blog Bit: Size Twelve Superhero

For some time now, I've been toying with the idea of creating a plus-size superheroine.  Mostly, when I've shared this idea, it's been met with praise.  Some people have felt that it's not realistic.  Which is funny, because the whole idea of superheroes in any form is unrealistic.  But isn't that why it's so much fun?  Besides, "plus-size" doesn't mean unhealthy, or morbidly obese, or lazy.  According to the standards of fashion, I myself am most decidedly plus size (granted, I'm not a great example, because I love food and I am pretty lazy).  I'm talking about a girl who might not want to wear a bodysuit while she fights crime.  A girl who thinks that four-inch-high stilettos are for a night on the town - not kicking bad-guy butt.  A girl who doesn't need a brass bustier to intimidate people - or to feel like a woman.  A girl who is healthy, takes care of herself, and has confidence...but can't quite button her size ten jeans.

What's wrong with that?

We have female superheroes (Wonder Woman, Marvel Girl, Supergirl),  black superheroes (Black Panther, The Falcon, Bishop, Nick Fury), Native American superheroes (Forge, Warpath),  Asian superheroes (Jubilee, Psylocke, Solstice), Jewish superheroes (Shadowcat, The Thing), disabled superheroes (Professor X, Oracle), gay and lesbian superheroes (Northstar, Batwoman, Obsidian), ginger superheroes (Jean Grey, Rogue, Batgirl, Black Widow, Mystique, Medusa...need I go on?) alien superheroes (Superman, Warlock) and underage superheroes (Hit Girl, Powerpuff Girls).  Heck - we even have a Canadian superhero (Wolverine himself!).  The only "minorities" left are geriatric and plus-size.

It's time, ladies.

It's time.

1 comment:

  1. This post totally made me "LOL." We need a "plus sized" super hero! Seeing as though "plus sized" is a 12 (and in same cases 6) it doesn't seem that unrealistic at all ;)
