Shop your closet!
That should be the #1 tip from pregnancy and newborn magazines. Instead of blasting us with images of "must-have" $60 sundresses and $45 skinny jeans, we should be advised that plenty of non-maternity duds can last us for at least two trimesters - sometimes all three.
Case in point: leggings! I stocked up last fall and winter, and non-maternity styles still fit me, nearly seven months along. My favorite brand, at about $6 a pop, is George, carried by Wal*Mart. I have at least four pairs: in black, gray, eggplant and chocolate. Some are footed versions, some are not; they're all totally opaque. (If you're wrinkling your nose because I shop at such a big-box store, just remember - we are doing pregnancy on the cheap! If you prefer organic cotton, sourced and made in the USA, that's awesome! Go for it! But that means my ideas probably won't inspire you very much!)
Those leggings don't get worn with tiny tops, of course. I have discovered that most of my swingy, flashy, Empire-waisted tunic tops (purchased mostly at Ross Dress for Less, usually for $13 or under) make fabulous maternity dresses. In fact, Five Below has sundresses for $5 that seem to be nursing-friendly. They're cheaply made and probably won't last long, but are great for around-the-house wear. I'm planning on getting a few more. They're kind of like really cute, knee-length muumuus. I also like to add waterfall sweaters (very thin ones, since I've tended to feel warm most of the time during my pregnancy), with or without stretch belts. In the fall and winter, I paired them with the leggings and boots.
Which brings me to the topic of shoes. Ladies, trust me: I am all about the shoe. I have wedges, ballet flats, heels, flip-flops, gladiator sandals, knee-high boots, ankle boots, stilettos, and some rather saucy footwear that probably should not be worn in public. I love shoes. Love them! I have been very loath to stick to "sensible" styles during my pregnancy. Flats might be comfy but they aren't always very flattering on me. But I have learned that your center of gravity really does change the further your pregnancy progresses, and shoes with a very high or thin heel simply aren't safe. They should be restricted to special events only - and bring a pair of flats with you, just in case. For my part, I compromised. I found a pair of $25 Crocs (yes, I know, CROCS) at the outlet store. They're black wedges which are both very comfortable and very flattering. They've got a sturdy, rubberized 3 1/2 heel that gives me height and confidence, but they feel almost like sneakers. They've become my everyday work shoes, since my office manager allows me to forego the (unreasonably expensive) maternity scrubs and wear business casual clothes for the time being. In addition, if you'll be heavily pregnant in the summer, stick to slip-on styles for your sandals. Or count on your partner to buckle your gladiators for you every time, because chances are you won't be able to reach them yourself!
Another money-saver is the maxi-dress. Most styles come in forgiving or stretchy materials, and can be easily dressed up or dressed down. If you're a shorty like me, most maxi styles are too long for you anyway, but the addition of the bump makes them the perfect length! (After the bump disappears, you can employ your super-cute lace-up espadrille wedges again.) Again, I found several styles at stores like Ross Dress for Less, TJMaxx, Marshalls, and Burlington. I'm fairly certain that I didn't spend more than $25 on any of them, and most were $15 and under.
Let's talk about intimate apparel. Without delving into too many details, your best bet is to stick with simple cotton panties and to purchase one or two new bras as your bustline changes during pregnancy. I never thought I would be singing the praises of a non-underwire style, but I actually love the Genie Bra (again, I found it at Wal*Mart for around $15, which is $5 less than the advertised price everywhere else). It's supportive and comfortable, even for a larger bust. I'll probably be using it when I breastfeed too, since it stretches to accommodate various sizes. I'll probably buy several more if it works out, because the idea of dropping loads of cash on a nursing bra makes me queasy. After all, you're supposed to buy at least three, they say: one to wear, one to wash, one to have ready to go. That could easily be upwards of $100. Most specialty shops, though, do have reasonable prices. Motherhood Maternity, for one, surprised me with a variety of very comfortable-looking bras priced around $20 to $25 each. I don't find that unreasonable, but I haven't tried any on yet.
In fact, I haven't set foot in a specialty shop during this pregnancy.
I'm fortunate, in a way, to be among the last in my circle of gal-pals to have a baby. That means that I have gotten about three garbage bags full of maternity clothes. mostly from my friend Jaime. (I'm also lucky she's kind of a fashionista, because these clothes are cute!) That being said, don't shun anything that's offered to you, even if it doesn't seem to be your style - or size. Jaime and I have dramatically different builds, but most of the clothes she gave me fit anyway. If nothing else, pick out a few things you like and hold on to the rest. Chances are, that generous Mama will eventually want them back to get her through another pregnancy. By that time, you might be able to throw in a few of your own maternity-friendly clothes, and then the whole process can start over again!
My final word of advice for this post is simple: eBay! You can find such amazing deals online and in thrift and consignment shops! If you're buying online and you're worried about the fit, make sure to purchase from a seller who accepts returns. A lot do not, and it's eBay's policy to allow that, so read carefully before you bid. I picked up a very cute white sundress with thick black straps that retailed at Motherhood Maternity for about $50. Since the seller was not charging for shipping and I was the only bidder, I ended up paying around $13. I'll be wearing this dress all summer! I also found two office-friendly dresses (one of which is also appropriate for nursing), and they each sold in stores for probably about $30. I think I paid about $9 each, as shipping was free for those, too. All of them fit just fine, even though I couldn't try anything on.
Next week, if I can convince my husband to play the fashion photographer, I'll be posting some pictures of outfits I've put together!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Monday, April 28, 2014
Recipe: Egg McMarvelous
1 large egg
Whole wheat English muffin
1 slice Havarti or mozzarella cheese
2 thin slices rosemary ham or pancetta
Pinch fresh or dried basil
Butter-flavored spray, cooking oil, or an oil mister
Butter or margarine, if desired
Split and toast the muffin to your liking. Meanwhile, spray a small skillet with butter-flavored spray (or use a small amount of oil or a few quick bursts from the oil mister), then heat to medium. When the skillet is hot, crack the egg into it and break the yolk. Do not scramble. Sprinkle with basil. Once the egg is set, flip it and top with the ham and cheese. Remove from heat, cover and allow cheese to melt. Butter muffin, if desired. Carefully slide the egg onto one half of the muffin and top with the other half. Makes one fancy-schmancy breakfast sammie.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Grandma Turns 90!
A few weeks ago, my sweet grandmother turned 90 years old. We are deeply grateful that she is extremely healthy, without a hint of dementia or any kind of disease. She is a beautiful woman who looks considerably younger than her years, who is committed to serving God and loving her family. We threw her a surprise party at Tambellini Bridgeville and believe me, we were all hoping the shock wouldn't send her to the hospital!
In fact, she was quite delighted. Like the gracious lady she is, she made sure every single guest received a kiss, a hug, and a personal thank you. You would have thought she had just been crowned Miss America, the way she put her little hand to her heart and cried. It was precious - which also happens to be her nickname. To distinguish her from the other grandmothers in our blended family, Grandma Thielet eventually became "Gramma Precious", which is certainly fitting!
What touched me the most, I think, was that so many folks showed up. There were over 40 people who wanted to be sure she knew how much they loved her - family, longtime friends, her children's friends, church friends. I took photographs for the party, and people I'd never met kept coming up to me and telling me how wonderful my grandmother was. I was thrilled that so many of her church friends were younger than she, lively and vibrant senior citizens who had come to act as substitutes for the many brothers and sisters Gram has lost over the years.
My gift to her was a poem I wrote and shared. I don't mean to be cocky, but a personal piece of writing is about the most intimate gift I can share with a person. Plus, the lady is picky and would likely have returned any photo frame, trinket, or piece of jewelry we would have bought for her! I promised that I would put the poem online, so it is below. Please remember that, like everything else on this blog (unless otherwise indicated), is my property and must not be used without consent.
We're already looking forward to Gram's 100th! |
In fact, she was quite delighted. Like the gracious lady she is, she made sure every single guest received a kiss, a hug, and a personal thank you. You would have thought she had just been crowned Miss America, the way she put her little hand to her heart and cried. It was precious - which also happens to be her nickname. To distinguish her from the other grandmothers in our blended family, Grandma Thielet eventually became "Gramma Precious", which is certainly fitting!
What touched me the most, I think, was that so many folks showed up. There were over 40 people who wanted to be sure she knew how much they loved her - family, longtime friends, her children's friends, church friends. I took photographs for the party, and people I'd never met kept coming up to me and telling me how wonderful my grandmother was. I was thrilled that so many of her church friends were younger than she, lively and vibrant senior citizens who had come to act as substitutes for the many brothers and sisters Gram has lost over the years.
My gift to her was a poem I wrote and shared. I don't mean to be cocky, but a personal piece of writing is about the most intimate gift I can share with a person. Plus, the lady is picky and would likely have returned any photo frame, trinket, or piece of jewelry we would have bought for her! I promised that I would put the poem online, so it is below. Please remember that, like everything else on this blog (unless otherwise indicated), is my property and must not be used without consent.
I. Prologue
I am thankful, you dear child, that your family chose America.
That your parents left all they had known for countless generations
And were reborn in a place they had never seen,
Merely imagined,
And that they planted themselves like trees near three mighty rivers.
When the soil seemed rocky, they persevered.
When the weather seemed perfect, they rejoiced.
Knowing that rain still may come, they watched the future,
Never turning back.
II. 1924-1933
I am thankful, you dear Amelia, that your childhood was lively
And filled with the voices of family and friends.
That your brothers protected you and your sisters taught you wisdom.
That, when those terrible storms came,
And blew you all about like twigs and snapped branches,
Your faith never broke.
You locked away in your heart an understanding of poverty, of loss, of lack,
And used it to strengthen yourself in the coming days.
And you never once forgot it.
III. 1934-1943
I am thankful, you dear Mrs. Thielet, that your marriage was for love
And not convenience.
No love but God’s own is perfect, but you kept your promise to cherish and obey.
You saw your man off to war and waited for his return,
A model American,
A modern wife,
In your heels and skirts,
Cooking American food and reading American news,
And dreaming American dreams.
IV. 1944-1953
I am thankful, you dear Mother, that you faithfully raised your son,
A boy who grew up into a man who loved cars and bikes and building things,
Who was stubborn, a little bit grimy, and whose smile was shy but genuine.
Who wanted to be a hero, a rock-star, a bad-boy with a heart of gold,
Who became one,
Who has never been perfect,
Whose dreams are still great,
If sometimes unspoken.
V. 1954-1963
I am thankful, you dear Mother, that you faithfully raised your daughter,
A girl who grew up into a woman who loved art and beauty and kindness,
Who talks to animals,
When they will listen.
Whose heart is full of compassion, who is gracious, and silly, and tender.
Who second-guesses herself when she sometimes shouldn’t,
And who has never stopped being a sweet-faced Daddy’s girl.
VI. 1964-1973
I am thankful, you dear Mother-in-law, that you welcomed into your heart
A broken young woman from a broken home,
Who was afraid of so much
But who bravely believed in hope.
Whose marriage finally crumbled but who came back to you, decades later,
With a peace offering and a humbled heart,
Knowing you were often the silent player in the drama,
A witness to a world falling apart,
Lifting always your prayers to God and giving your ear to listen,
Whether the offer was taken never mattered,
For you knew the prayers were heard and heeded.
VII. 1974-1983
I am thankful, you dear Grandmother, that your hands helped raise three little girls,
An ever-present smile at birthdays and graduations,
A thoughtfully-chosen card with a check in the mail,
Bringing deviled eggs to picnics,
Listening carefully to silly childish chatter,
Attempting to interpret,
Praying when sickness came,
Proudly claiming the family bond when success was in reach – and when it was not.
You never spoke disappointment over them,
Instead encouraging obedience and patience.
They are still learning from your example,
And they are so very deeply inspired by you.
VIII. 1984-1993
I am thankful, dear widow, that your strength in God carried you through
Dark and difficult hours,
An empty house,
Endless questions,
Quiet grief.
When happiness and comfort fell away, you yet found joy – such a different bird –
In your Savior,
Who even now holds in His arms
So many who have gone before you onto eternity.
I am thankful that this faith never runs dry,
Nor does the strength God gives you,
To wake and to live each day with vibrant but quiet kindness.
IX. 1994-2003
I am thankful, you dear sister, that your love was not poured out only on husband, on son, on daughter,
But instead kept flowing for those who needed you –
Sisters and brothers whose bodies and minds began to grow weary,
Sick, and weak.
Patience and sensible gentleness and encouragement were your offerings.
How precious and rare they can be,
Yet you gave them freely, commitment overwhelming convenience every time.
You buried each one, acting as a pillar to their sons and daughters,
And they realize how deeply you are embedded in their memories
Of their parents, their aunts and uncles,
Their family joys and tragedies,
You were always the same –
Even without words, you were there.
X. 2004-2014
I am thankful, you dear Gram, that your prayers have never stopped flowing,
Your faith is still fresh as springtime,
Your love still eager to be given,
Your holiday cards still thoughtfully-chosen,
Your grief when others grieve still true.
I am thankful that your journey has brought you here, to the center of a circle
Of friends and family,
Who admire you enough to make you blush,
Who consider themselves proud to call you their own,
Who brag about you to neighbors and church friends and co-workers,
Who laugh and say, “Let me tell you about this lady I know…”
And whose stories are as many, as brilliant, and as varied as your years.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Pregnant and Pretty, Part One
I'm sure I am in the majority of pregnant women who prefer nothing more than wearing stretchy yoga pants, soft, comfy T-shirts, and pulling their hair up into messy buns. Wait a minute...isn't that most women, pregnant or not?
Yup - it's one of those strange facts about being female. Although we want to be as comfy as dudes in their well-worn jeans and 80s T-shirts, we make different choices for the sake of fashion. Frequently, we love to wear gloriously gorgeous shoes that are impractically high, stunning dresses that force us to reposition our boobs every five minutes or so, and pants that require us to perform an awkward calisthenics routine just to get into them. We like to feel pretty, and often the route to feeling pretty is a painful one. I'm not being sexist here; I'm just speaking from personal experience and, if I may humbly say, I'm acting as the voice of many, not all, of my female friends. We often suffer needlessly for the sake of beauty, and frequently, people never notice our efforts anyway! (Unless things go horribly wrong and we trip over our mile-high stilettos like baby deer learning how to walk...)
At least, in the past few years, women's fashion has generally seemed to take a turn for "cute and comfy" over "pretty and painful". I'm talking about boat shoes, thick-calf-friendly boots, surprisingly forgiving skinny jeans, knee-skimming shorts (hallelujah!), and the return of the cropped cardigan (great for modest chickies and/or fashionably frozen girls who insist on wearing sundresses when it's still 50 degrees outside).
The desire to feel pretty certainly doesn't go away when pregnancy comes along. In fact, maybe it's even stronger! With the frequently ugly symptoms that come along with the efforts of growing a tiny human, it's only natural for a woman to want to feel both attractive and comfortable in her own skin - and her own clothes. With that in mind, and with my own recent experience, I thought it might be fun to put together my own little fashion show for any girls out there who might be ripping through their closets in a panic, fearing what the next nine months might bring.
First, a little bit about me, if you didn't already know: even before I got pregnant, I was always a hard-to-fit size. I'm five feet tall and quite curvy. I'd lost a good deal of weight last year and was about a size four or six (small/medium) or so in ladies' clothing, maybe a seven or nine (medium/large) in juniors. I won't share my measurements but, to be delicate, my bustline makes it very tough to buy properly-fitting button-down shirts, so there are very few in my wardrobe. I joke that I easily have a supermodel's measurements; it's just too bad I don't have a supermodel's height!
I'm happy to report that many of my pre-pregnancy clothes have carried over well and I'm hoping they'll still work postpartum, too. I like bright colors but am always comfortable in basic black with fun accessories. Also: I'm extremely cheap. Unlike my husband, who would rather invest $80 in a pair of well-crafted shoes that will get him through several years, I'm more likely to drop $15 on a pair of colorful flats that might wear out in a season or two, just because they're fun. This is both a blessing and a curse, as female fashion is fickle. Sometimes it's not worth investing in "quality" merchandise because trends change so quickly. Then again, sometimes those cheap shoes are so darn uncomfortable that I only wear them a few times anyway. With that in mind, I'm noting the pros and cons, as well as the approximate prices, of the items I'm featuring in my multi-part little fashion show, so you can decide for yourselves what's worth it and what's not!
Before I even talk about the clothes, I wanted to mention a few other options we preggos now have. Unlike lots of other women, I never used a BellaBand or anything like it. If you don't know, these stretchy little numbers are meant to be worn snugly around your waist and hold up your unbuttoned jeans when you're still too small for regular maternity pants. Since I have practically no waistline, and also because I bloated up pretty fast, I did not find these items useful or comfortable. My jeans didn't fit at all past about the eighth week or so, so I didn't wear them. Still, they are an investment to consider, especially during a first pregnancy when you might take quite some time to show, or if you have a very different body type than mine!
Another helpful accessory, near the end of your pregnancy, is a maternity belt. They come in loads of sizes and styles, and help support your growing belly while relieving back strain. You might consider purchasing a gently used one, as they can be quite expensive.
Some other things that benefitted me have been accessories! Yes, the joy of the one-size-really-does-fit all scarf, the earrings that never get too tight, and the "I've-been-wearing-these-since-college" bangle bracelets! Since I like bold prints and funky jewelry, I've scoured discount stores for fun necklace sets, whimsical infinity scarves and even belly-friendly stretch belts. These items are great for making statements and dressing up the inevitable boring but comfy maternity dress you can't live without, and the best part is that they'll stick with you well after the baby comes. (Additional bonus: those flashy green and purple beaded earrings will be fascinating and stimulating for your little guy or girl during feedings!)
Another area in which I've been enjoying experimenting is with cosmetics. Now, since most women find that their skin changes during pregnancy, I'm not advocating a total overhaul of your cleansing and beauty routine. I'm one of the fortunate ones who has enjoyed (for the first time in 22 years) acne-free skin. That's not to say I haven't had any problems; my skin is definitely less smooth now, and I've seen a few dark spots that are "supposed" to clear up after I deliver. What's been fun is trying the new, super-vivid colors that are out now: bright corals, vampy reds, poppy oranges and bubble-gum pinks. I love the new color balms that most companies have released lately. They've got the coverage of lipsticks, but they apply and feel like glosses. My favorites come from Jordana and Rimmel (surprise; they're also among the least expensive drug-store brands; Jordana is available at K-Mart and Walgreens and Rimmel is available nearly everywhere). Bright colors, if you're comfortable with them, are a good way to draw attention from your belly to your face. If you want to, that is! Maybe you want your bump to play a starring role? I'll address that in part two of this series!
Fun...but not functional (or safe) for a lady in her third trimester! These can wait until after baby. Image from |
At least, in the past few years, women's fashion has generally seemed to take a turn for "cute and comfy" over "pretty and painful". I'm talking about boat shoes, thick-calf-friendly boots, surprisingly forgiving skinny jeans, knee-skimming shorts (hallelujah!), and the return of the cropped cardigan (great for modest chickies and/or fashionably frozen girls who insist on wearing sundresses when it's still 50 degrees outside).
The desire to feel pretty certainly doesn't go away when pregnancy comes along. In fact, maybe it's even stronger! With the frequently ugly symptoms that come along with the efforts of growing a tiny human, it's only natural for a woman to want to feel both attractive and comfortable in her own skin - and her own clothes. With that in mind, and with my own recent experience, I thought it might be fun to put together my own little fashion show for any girls out there who might be ripping through their closets in a panic, fearing what the next nine months might bring.
First, a little bit about me, if you didn't already know: even before I got pregnant, I was always a hard-to-fit size. I'm five feet tall and quite curvy. I'd lost a good deal of weight last year and was about a size four or six (small/medium) or so in ladies' clothing, maybe a seven or nine (medium/large) in juniors. I won't share my measurements but, to be delicate, my bustline makes it very tough to buy properly-fitting button-down shirts, so there are very few in my wardrobe. I joke that I easily have a supermodel's measurements; it's just too bad I don't have a supermodel's height!
I'm happy to report that many of my pre-pregnancy clothes have carried over well and I'm hoping they'll still work postpartum, too. I like bright colors but am always comfortable in basic black with fun accessories. Also: I'm extremely cheap. Unlike my husband, who would rather invest $80 in a pair of well-crafted shoes that will get him through several years, I'm more likely to drop $15 on a pair of colorful flats that might wear out in a season or two, just because they're fun. This is both a blessing and a curse, as female fashion is fickle. Sometimes it's not worth investing in "quality" merchandise because trends change so quickly. Then again, sometimes those cheap shoes are so darn uncomfortable that I only wear them a few times anyway. With that in mind, I'm noting the pros and cons, as well as the approximate prices, of the items I'm featuring in my multi-part little fashion show, so you can decide for yourselves what's worth it and what's not!
Before I even talk about the clothes, I wanted to mention a few other options we preggos now have. Unlike lots of other women, I never used a BellaBand or anything like it. If you don't know, these stretchy little numbers are meant to be worn snugly around your waist and hold up your unbuttoned jeans when you're still too small for regular maternity pants. Since I have practically no waistline, and also because I bloated up pretty fast, I did not find these items useful or comfortable. My jeans didn't fit at all past about the eighth week or so, so I didn't wear them. Still, they are an investment to consider, especially during a first pregnancy when you might take quite some time to show, or if you have a very different body type than mine!
Another helpful accessory, near the end of your pregnancy, is a maternity belt. They come in loads of sizes and styles, and help support your growing belly while relieving back strain. You might consider purchasing a gently used one, as they can be quite expensive.
Some other things that benefitted me have been accessories! Yes, the joy of the one-size-really-does-fit all scarf, the earrings that never get too tight, and the "I've-been-wearing-these-since-college" bangle bracelets! Since I like bold prints and funky jewelry, I've scoured discount stores for fun necklace sets, whimsical infinity scarves and even belly-friendly stretch belts. These items are great for making statements and dressing up the inevitable boring but comfy maternity dress you can't live without, and the best part is that they'll stick with you well after the baby comes. (Additional bonus: those flashy green and purple beaded earrings will be fascinating and stimulating for your little guy or girl during feedings!)
Image from |
Thursday, April 24, 2014
10 Weeks Left!
They say animals can sense when a change is coming. The weather, a big move, things like that. After observing Thor's behavior the past several weeks, I'm inclined to agree. He's always been my special little guy, letting me squeeze him, bathe him and clip his claws with no trouble at all. But lately, he's been having mood swings. Either he's affectionate to the point of annoying (trust me, it takes a lot for me to get sick of kitty cuddles), or he's downright mean. Last night, he hopped into bed with me and curled up on my pillow, baring his soft white belly for scratches, furiously purring until Ross kicked him out of the bedroom. This morning, he followed me into the kitchen and, out of nowhere, bit my calf so hard he drew blood.
I tell you, this furry dude is not looking forward to being the second favorite "son" in the house. And he doesn't have much time left to get used to the idea, either! I'm currently cruising through week 30 of my pregnancy, and the reality of it is starting to hit me hard. In ten weeks or less - hopefully not less! - we're going to meet our son. The idea is terrifying, thrilling, and about every emotion in between. I'm torn between being totally over being pregnant and being willing to do it for another year in order to avoid the anxiety that will surely come with being a brand-new mommy.
The good news is that I recently passed my glucose test, despite my embarrassingly terrible eating habits the past few months. Admittedly, I'm not proud of it, but I used to rail on my husband for the amount of sugar he consumes in a day (it's a lot - much like the typical America diet, I'm thinking)...but these past few weeks I swear that ice cream, peanut butter and Sarris chocolate have been pretty much my meat and potatoes. The chocolate especially. I have always loved Sarris candy, but I truly EMBRACE it now! At least two of my other daily staples have been skim milk and whole-wheat English muffins, but of course that doesn't negate all the crummy stuff. I've gained about 30 pounds so far, and while that is well within the normal range, it's still a little hard to swallow that fact - no pun intended. I'm looking forward to returning to my regular walks as soon as I can after the baby is born. I miss them more that I expected to, but the shortness of breath that is practically standard for pregnant women has been extra hellish for this chunky little asthmatic, so exercise has been low on the priority list this time around.
The doc has increased my prenatal visits to twice monthly, which is standard once a patient enters the third trimester. He's also keeping en eye on my pre-existing high blood pressure which, thankfully, is completely under control at this point. It still frustrates me that I did everything in my power to counteract it naturally (regular cardiovascular exercise, weight loss, restricted sodium diet, etc.), but now isn't the time for me to be petty about taking medicine I don't want, especially because it's working.
He also wants me to start working on a birth plan. My current birth plan includes these two items: (1) Get baby out of my body quickly; and (2) Let me sleep.
Okay, I'm joking. A little bit. I've had people assume that I'm going for a non-medicated birth, assume that I'm not breastfeeding, assume a lot of things already. Truth is, I'm surprising myself with how flexible I'm willing to be. We elected not to attend any birth classes, other than the hospital tour. I've talked to friends who didn't feel classes really benefitted them, and I've also been told that the same information can be gathered fro YouTube videos. Which is probably true. I'm still exploring my options as far as pain management and labor go. Although my blood pressure is great now, I'm not going with any "traditional" options for birth (home birth, water birth, etc.) I want my baby as close as possible to medical assistance in the event something should go wrong. That's my own choice, as will be my decision to breastfeed (or not), return to work (or not), circumcise (or not), film a birth video (or not), or any of the other hundred million things I'll have to think about in the hours before, during, and after my son's birth. Which is why a birth plan, even a very loose one, is a good idea. Because I probably won't be thinking about details once I'm in the middle of labor. I'm also sharing the plan with my husband and step-mommy, who will be in the delivery room with me.
I'm not in the nesting phase yet (which explains the state of my housekeeping efforts - nil), but I am in the "read all about it" stage. I've been given some wonderful books and it's nice to read about options regarding child-rearing that I hadn't considered. I'm also in the self-conscious stage. My belly is pretty darn prominent now. I can still dress the bump (keep your eyes open for an upcoming "Beauty and the Bump" post about maternity fashion!) but it's starting to get hard to handle. I feel huge most days, even though the swelling of my hands and feet has been minimal. My husband was a big baby - nine pounds or so - as were his sisters. My sister and I, on the other hand, were on the petite side. I was just over six pounds. So we'll see how big our little love bug gets - but I'm willing to bet he won't be tiny. In my head he's already topped six pounds and that is why I feel enormous and can't breathe. Never mind the two and a half months he still has to keep baking in my oven!
Thanks for reading - and a very humble and sincere thank you to those of you who have been cheering us on and praying for us as we barrel into parenthood! This experience hasn't been easy, but we count every day a miracle.
I tell you, this furry dude is not looking forward to being the second favorite "son" in the house. And he doesn't have much time left to get used to the idea, either! I'm currently cruising through week 30 of my pregnancy, and the reality of it is starting to hit me hard. In ten weeks or less - hopefully not less! - we're going to meet our son. The idea is terrifying, thrilling, and about every emotion in between. I'm torn between being totally over being pregnant and being willing to do it for another year in order to avoid the anxiety that will surely come with being a brand-new mommy.
The good news is that I recently passed my glucose test, despite my embarrassingly terrible eating habits the past few months. Admittedly, I'm not proud of it, but I used to rail on my husband for the amount of sugar he consumes in a day (it's a lot - much like the typical America diet, I'm thinking)...but these past few weeks I swear that ice cream, peanut butter and Sarris chocolate have been pretty much my meat and potatoes. The chocolate especially. I have always loved Sarris candy, but I truly EMBRACE it now! At least two of my other daily staples have been skim milk and whole-wheat English muffins, but of course that doesn't negate all the crummy stuff. I've gained about 30 pounds so far, and while that is well within the normal range, it's still a little hard to swallow that fact - no pun intended. I'm looking forward to returning to my regular walks as soon as I can after the baby is born. I miss them more that I expected to, but the shortness of breath that is practically standard for pregnant women has been extra hellish for this chunky little asthmatic, so exercise has been low on the priority list this time around.
The doc has increased my prenatal visits to twice monthly, which is standard once a patient enters the third trimester. He's also keeping en eye on my pre-existing high blood pressure which, thankfully, is completely under control at this point. It still frustrates me that I did everything in my power to counteract it naturally (regular cardiovascular exercise, weight loss, restricted sodium diet, etc.), but now isn't the time for me to be petty about taking medicine I don't want, especially because it's working.
He also wants me to start working on a birth plan. My current birth plan includes these two items: (1) Get baby out of my body quickly; and (2) Let me sleep.
Okay, I'm joking. A little bit. I've had people assume that I'm going for a non-medicated birth, assume that I'm not breastfeeding, assume a lot of things already. Truth is, I'm surprising myself with how flexible I'm willing to be. We elected not to attend any birth classes, other than the hospital tour. I've talked to friends who didn't feel classes really benefitted them, and I've also been told that the same information can be gathered fro YouTube videos. Which is probably true. I'm still exploring my options as far as pain management and labor go. Although my blood pressure is great now, I'm not going with any "traditional" options for birth (home birth, water birth, etc.) I want my baby as close as possible to medical assistance in the event something should go wrong. That's my own choice, as will be my decision to breastfeed (or not), return to work (or not), circumcise (or not), film a birth video (or not), or any of the other hundred million things I'll have to think about in the hours before, during, and after my son's birth. Which is why a birth plan, even a very loose one, is a good idea. Because I probably won't be thinking about details once I'm in the middle of labor. I'm also sharing the plan with my husband and step-mommy, who will be in the delivery room with me.
I'm not in the nesting phase yet (which explains the state of my housekeeping efforts - nil), but I am in the "read all about it" stage. I've been given some wonderful books and it's nice to read about options regarding child-rearing that I hadn't considered. I'm also in the self-conscious stage. My belly is pretty darn prominent now. I can still dress the bump (keep your eyes open for an upcoming "Beauty and the Bump" post about maternity fashion!) but it's starting to get hard to handle. I feel huge most days, even though the swelling of my hands and feet has been minimal. My husband was a big baby - nine pounds or so - as were his sisters. My sister and I, on the other hand, were on the petite side. I was just over six pounds. So we'll see how big our little love bug gets - but I'm willing to bet he won't be tiny. In my head he's already topped six pounds and that is why I feel enormous and can't breathe. Never mind the two and a half months he still has to keep baking in my oven!
Thanks for reading - and a very humble and sincere thank you to those of you who have been cheering us on and praying for us as we barrel into parenthood! This experience hasn't been easy, but we count every day a miracle.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Recipe: Meaty Pizza-Dillas
1 oz. reduced-sodium ham, diced
15 slices mini turkey pepperoni
1 oz. mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 T prepared pasta sauce
2 10-inch whole wheat or herb tortillas
Heat a large, dry skillet over medium heat. If you have one, use a cast-iron skillet. Place one of the tortillas in it. Top with sauce (don't spread it all the way to the edges), then the cheese and meat. If desired, you can swap or add other pizza toppings. Top with second tortilla. Allow the cheese to melt and the tortilla to crisp slightly, about 5-7 minutes. Carefully flip the tortilla with a large spatula and allow the other side to crisp, about 4-5 minutes. Remove from skillet and, once cooled slightly, cut into wedges. Serve with additional pasta sauce for dipping. Makes 1 meal portion or 2-3 appetizer portions.
Heat a large, dry skillet over medium heat. If you have one, use a cast-iron skillet. Place one of the tortillas in it. Top with sauce (don't spread it all the way to the edges), then the cheese and meat. If desired, you can swap or add other pizza toppings. Top with second tortilla. Allow the cheese to melt and the tortilla to crisp slightly, about 5-7 minutes. Carefully flip the tortilla with a large spatula and allow the other side to crisp, about 4-5 minutes. Remove from skillet and, once cooled slightly, cut into wedges. Serve with additional pasta sauce for dipping. Makes 1 meal portion or 2-3 appetizer portions.
(If you like, before you close the sandwich, you can sprinkle in some fresh or dried oregano or basil.)
Monday, April 14, 2014
Recipe: Chicken Cordon Bleu Plate Special
What's tastier than a French-inspired meal? One that you can whip up in 20 minutes and that fits nicely on a bun, thank you very much!
2 chicken breast halves
2 T butter (not margarine)
1/2 c. flour
4-6 thin slices deli-style ham
2 thin slices Swiss cheese
1 T Dijon mustard (if desired)
2 whole-grain hoagie rolls
2 chicken breast halves
2 T butter (not margarine)
1/2 c. flour
4-6 thin slices deli-style ham
2 thin slices Swiss cheese
1 T Dijon mustard (if desired)
2 whole-grain hoagie rolls
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Lightly pound chicken breasts to flatten. Dredge the pieces in the flour. Once the butter has melted, gently place the meat in the pan to cook. Turn only once, after about 5 minutes. Cook until heated through, about 8-9 minutes. Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove from skillet and drain on paper towel. Split open the hoagie rolls and place the chicken inside. Top with the ham and Swiss cheese. Broil until the cheese melts, about 3-4 minutes. Spread mustard on top of cheese, if using. Makes 2 sandwiches.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Recipe: WWII Waffle-wiches
1 c. prepared waffle batter (store-bought or homemade; it doesn't matter)
8 eggs
1 lb. sweet sopressata or genoa salami, thinly sliced
8 slices provelone or mozzarella cheese
cooking spray
black pepper, to taste
Preheat waffle iron to desired temperature (I like mine very light). In the meantime, heat a medium-sized skillet over medium-high heat. Separate the meat into individual slices and fry each until almost crispy. Drain on paper towels; set aside. Pour the batter onto the hot iron, leaving the center dry (the waffle mix will expand and fill it in as it cooks). Cook according to the iron's directions. You should have enough mix for 4 waffles. When the waffles are done, separate them into 16 quarters; set aside. Do not cover them or they will get soggy. Wipe the skillet clean, then cook the eggs as desired (over medium work well for these sandwiches). Flip the eggs, then top with cheese. Cover skillet with lid until cheese melts, then assemble the sandwiches. Sprinkle with black pepper, then top with waffle quarters. Makes 8 sandwiches.
Note: for a heartier breakfast, you can serve the sandwiches as waffle halves. This recipe will then make 4 very mighty sandwiches.
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