1. Your significant other has returned home from a long day. What is the first thing you do?
(a) Check his or her bag. Any presents for you?
(b) Fall over yourself with excitement.
(c) Warmly greet him or her, then push for some snuggle time.
2. How do you react to something unexpected and new?
(a) I check it out, but I'm likely to reject it.
(b) I'm curious. I am willing to learn more, but I'm nervous, too.
(c) New things are great! Things will work out fine, I'm sure.
3. What are you most likely to watch?
(a) Something dark and brooding, like Criminal Minds.
(b) Something bright and happy, like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
(c) Something charming and romantic, like Pride and Prejudice.
4. Someone invades your personal space. What do you do?
(a) I make it VERY clear that intimacy is on MY terms. Period.
(b) Depends. Sometimes it's ok and other times I'm like OMG LEAVE ME ALONE.
(c) I welcome it. I love feeling close to others.
5. What kinds of foods do you like?
(a) Anything. Especially if it's bad for me. Doritos, pizza, wings - yeah!
(b) I'm crazy picky. It's almost embarrassing how picky I am.
(c) I'm up for most things. I'm also good at putting meals together for myself.
6. Naptime! What's your deal?
(a) Somewhere private, cozy, and comfy. You're not likely to find me for hours.
(b) I can fall asleep anywhere. You'll find me somewhere unusual.
(c) I'm always in the same spot, out in the open. I'm not ashamed. Nappers unite!
7. Who's your bestie?
(a) Someone I can connect with. Someone who understands my needs completely.
(b) Someone who is fun and playful and not afraid to be silly!
(c) Someone I can nurture and protect. I'm kind of parental that way.
8. Which is closest to the childhood you experienced?
(a) I felt abandoned.
(b) Nothing but love!
(c) I was a loner.
9. Let's talk hygiene. What's your deal?
(a) I am FASTIDIOUSLY clean. To a fault. Borderline OCD, even.
(b) I like things the way I like them. That's about it.
(c) I'm kind of a slob.
10. Be honest. How do you get along with others?
(a) I don't like people.
(b) I guess I'm kind of an ambivert. Mostly people are okay but I need my space.
(c) No matter what race, age, sex, religion or ethnicity you are, I LOVE YOU.
Tally up your score!

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